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Rival (The Aces Book 1) Page 21

  “Morning, baby.” Brooks’ typically smooth voice was rough with sleep, his golden blond tresses messy and flopping into his face. The change had me squeezing my thighs together; the ‘just fucked’ look only seemed to heighten his sex appeal. I hummed a quick good morning as he pressed a kiss against my unbruised temple. Brooks shuffled over to the coffee maker following Stone’s lead in filling a mug up until it seemed like he would spill it. Carefully, he brought the steady cup to his lip and sipped until it didn’t look about ready to splash everywhere and make a mess of my kitchen.

  Well, I guess our kitchen now.

  That’s going to take getting used to.

  “So,” I dragged the word out, my eyes narrowing on the two officers, “did you guys just get here? I didn’t hear your bikes.” Brooks had the balls to chuckle at my question, while Stone shook his head.

  “They stayed last night, Kittycat.” Chase cocked a brow at me, a smug smile curling his lips. I wasn’t sure if it was the drugs from Doc that was making me slow to understand this morning or the fact my energy drink still hadn’t kicked in.

  “You were out before we even left the compound,” Brooks added, his observational skills apparently telling him I was still confused. “Chase drove you home, and we followed. Several hours later, here we are.” He gave a small flourish of his hand at the end of his statement.

  “Thanks, Sherlock.” I rolled my eyes, but I was unable to keep my smile to myself. He might be a prick, but he’s my prick. I was startled by my own sappy thoughts, so I did what any normal person would do.

  I stuffed them way in the back of my mind where I couldn’t acknowledge them.

  Garrett was the last to join, nearly stomping into the kitchen a few minutes later. He growled when his green eyes landed on me seated safely on the stool. Knowing him, he had probably been worried I was out doing something risky.

  “I went to go make sure you were okay, and I found you missing,” he ground out, “thought you had gone running off to go steal some rare piece of art or go take out a bunch of rivals.”

  Knew it, I mentally scoffed, naggy asshole.

  “No, Gar,” I huffed in irritation, my energy drink still working its way through waking me up, making me extra irritable. “I decided to come down to the kitchen in my own house,” I emphasized, “because I couldn’t sleep any longer.” He grumbled under his breath, but I was too tired to argue about it as he lined up next to his president against the counter, coffee clutched tightly in his hand. Chase was lost in his own little world singing and dancing as he finished up breakfast. He plopped a very full plate down in front of me.

  “You three better be happy.” Chase waved the spatula in the direction of the MC officers. “I even made bacon. For you guys.” I rolled my eyes at his dramatics, but secretly my heart warmed at his thoughtful gesture because that was a big thing for him. Chase normally refused to handle meat unless it was absolutely required. I hid my smile behind a glass of juice he set down, and the rest of the guys piled up their own plates before joining me at the bar. The only one who continued to stand was Stone, and that was mainly because he was practically glued to the coffee machine, his cup refilled at least three times already.

  “So,” I started when it looked like most of us were getting full. “What’s the plan, now?” I immediately focused my full attention on what we were going to do against those fucking bastards in the Alloy Kings.

  My injuries pulsed at the thought of our rivals, my stomach rolling as the memory of Jace’s violation attempted to invade my mind. I shoved it down before I threw up the delicious breakfast my little assassin made for us. You can’t stop now, my mind whispered, if you stop working now, you’ll be left with the memories what happened running on repeat. With that nauseating reminder, determination steeled through me. I was silently glad none of them recognized the turbulent thoughts that raged through my mind as Brooks answered my question. It was unsurprising that he took the lead since he was the Boss of their little leather-wearing boy band. His grey-blue eyes centered on my face as he spoke.

  “If you’re up for it, we need a list of security precautions for the compound.” I nodded my agreement, happy to have a job to do so I wouldn’t be sitting here lost in thought. “Stone and I will be surveying everything around the compound to see if there were any other issues after the attack, but we’ll be mainly focused on ground zero.” Brooks turned to look at Garrett on his other side. “You’ll be working with Nate on moving out the families or anyone who wants a safe haven off the compound. We don’t know how bad this is going to get, and I don’t want anyone caught in the crossfire if they don’t have to be.”

  “What about me?” Chase bounced on his stool, his messily combed bedhead shifting with his playful banter. I chuckled, cutting Brooks off from talking since his question wasn’t directed at him. He’ll hopefully learn that soon enough, I thought.

  “Go through Harbold’s files, pull anything and everything to do with the Alloy Kings and see if you can get in touch with some of your old contacts about anything we can use.” I groaned as I stood, waving away the guys who all attempted to take my plate and glass to the sink. “I can do it,” I snapped, glaring at all of them. I didn’t need any of them to pamper me or take care of me. I’d broken myself of the need to depend on anyone long before today, and despite their good intentions, the coddling wasn’t wanted.

  The thunk of the steel lock clicked behind me and my bodyguard; a sense of dread flowed over me as a mix of rage and sadness bubbled in my chest. The decadent silk sheet covered mattress in the far corner taunted me, the rest of the room blurring behind a watery wall of unshed tears. Don’t cry, I commanded, you know what happens when you show weakness. Steeling my spine, I mentally prepared myself for what I was going to have to do. One day, the promise whispered through my mind as I stepped forward, I’m going to kill them all.

  Damsel in distress?

  Not anymore.


  May 10th

  Friday Night


  The thumping music rattled the signs on the walls as I weaved my way through the collection of bikers. I kept my arms pulled in; their dirty bar had me eyeing the place with disdain. We normally didn’t have to meet at their compound, opting to gather in a neutral location, but the plans had changed after the botched attempted on the Aces. I stepped into their back room; the empty space held a few chairs and a table pressed up against one wall while a mirror hung on another.

  Looking at my reflection, I took in my appearance. My black suit jacket was buttoned, the deep red dress shirt underneath pressed and starched. The iron lines perfectly straight on my dark grey slacks. My shined dress shoes were bright against the dingy tiled flooring. I shuddered at what was touching my expensive shoes. I had a meeting with my boss after this, and he was like me in the taste department: expensive, lavish, and perfect.

  Lastly, my gaze landed on my scarred, and now bruised, face that stared back at me, a taunting reminder that my Kiera had gotten away. Again. I thought of my Kiera, how close I had been to having her and how her lips felt against mine as she kissed me. I growled deep in my throat as my body thrummed with need. But now, because of these incompetent assholes who dared call themselves a motorcycle gang, my need would have to wait. The gun tucked in its holster called to me, the urge to shoot one of these fuck-ups following the desire that flooded me.

  Leaning back against the table, I pulled out my blade and cleaned my nails while I waited. The bite of the sharp point against my thumb sent a shiver down my spine. When the blood welled up enough, I sucked the coppery tang off. I would rather have it be the blood of the president, but this will have to do. Lucky for me though, I thought cruelly, the president and his VP would be joining me shortly. As if I had spoken the magic words, the door opened immediately after my bloodthirsty thought, and the two people I wanted to hurt stepped into the small office.

  “Let’s get started,” I commanded sharply. My fingers twitched in
my violent urge to break each of their fingers for losing Kiera. I took that urge and focused on running the blade lightly against my palm, not enough to cut skin, but enough to keep the sadistic tendencies dancing through my mind at bay. My cock stirred in my slacks at the hint of pain. “We have lots to cover before I meet with my boss.”

  “We going to start by talking about how I’m now down two more members?” Bryce Hill copped an attitude, clearly forgetting who the fuck he was speaking to. I sneered a ruthless smile and brushed my open hand down my jacket in an attempt to hold off on hurting him… for now.

  “Are we going to discuss how your little pitiful gang here lost me Kiera? The one object of importance to me or my boss?” I emphasised Frankie in the question despite that the pursuing of Kiera was solely for my own compulsion. Ron scoffed, his eyes rolling as he spoke.

  “Maybe it would be best if the Alloy Kings reconsidered their alliance with the Solace mob if its only focus is one little girl,” he hummed, shrugging his meaty shoulders indifferently.

  Red flooded me at the disrespect, and I snapped. I gripped his burly, bushy jaw tightly within my grasp, the knife point only a milimeter away from his pulse that throbbed in neck. I glared at down him, and he visibly paled. My reputation precedes me, I noted as another sadistic impulse to maim him washed over me.

  “I suggest you remember who you’re speaking to,” I ordered. “You’re on Frankie’s payroll, and I’m sure I don’t have to remind you what would happen if you upset him.”

  “What about that Kiera bitch?”

  My cock throbbed at the mention of Kiera’s name, but my temper grew at the bitch comment. No one calls my Kiera a bitch, I roared. I released Ron and stalked to the president, my height easily allowing me to tower over him.

  “Nothing, you little fucking imp of a man,” I muttered, rubbing my blade gently against his cheek as I watched him cower before me. “You don’t do a fucking thing, but if by some stroke of dumb luck you happen to find her, you hold her for me. But if I find that so much as one hair on her head was damaged by any of you, I will not be pleased. Be thankful I didn’t castrate the man who pistol whipped her, and you personally should be on your knees kissing my feet that I don’t skin you for referring to her in such a vile manner.” He paled in fear, eyes widening as he nodded his head shakily.

  “Understood,” he whispered in a cowering tremble.

  I nodded sharply and stepped back, reeling in the urge to fulfill my threat. My boss might not be pleased if I do so, but I’m too valuable to him to punish.

  “Good. Work on your plan for your next move.” With that, I tucked my knife away and strode out of the room. I made my way out of the wretched bar and into the Alloy Kings’ main compound parking lot where I sank into the smooth leather backseat of my waiting car. As the driver started toward the exit, I rolled up the partition between the front and the back. When I had my privacy, I dug out a familiar worn white card that I had had tucked in my wallet for the last seven years. Pulling my knife from its home once again, I ran the blade discreetly along my inner thigh. The sharp edge didn’t cut my pants, but it solidified my cock behind the tight fabric into an aching erection. I brought Kiera’s signature calling card to my nose and inhaled as if her berry and grease scent lingered on the matte cardstock. It had long since faded, but since I had gotten so close, it was as if it was really there. My eyes rolled back as a moan worked its way up my throat at the delicious scent I so desperately craved.

  Soon enough, I thought in my lustful haze, Kiera will be mine, and the rest of those little boys will be taken out of the equation.

  Very soon…


  Book 2 of The Aces Series

  Coming September 2019


  Jake, my amazing husband, who supported me and cheered me on even when I doubted myself!

  My dad for covering my expenses while I waited to get paid from Amazon so this book could actually be edited professionally!

  My beta readers-Michelle, Jessica, and Cassie-you guys are awesome and made this entire process so much more enjoyable!

  Finally, for all of my readers, this wouldn’t be possible without you.

  Also by A.J. Macey

  Best Wishes Series:

  Book 1: Smoke and Wishes

  Book 2: Smoke and Survival

  High School Clowns & Coffee Grounds

  Book 1: Lads & Lattes

  About the Author

  A.J. Macey has a B.S. in Criminology and Criminal Justice, and previous coursework in Forensic Science, Behavioral Psychology, and Cybersecurity. Before becoming an author, A.J. worked as a Correctional Officer in a jail where she met her husband. She has a daughter and two cats named Thor and Loki, an addiction to coffee and swearing. Sucks at adulting and talking to people, so she’ll frequently be lost in a book or running away with her imagination.

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