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Rival (The Aces Book 1) Page 18

  “I have some shit to take care of today, but before I do that, have either of you been around the compound yet?” I felt Chase shake his head.

  “I know from maps, but we haven’t been around it yet. You planning on being a gracious host and showing us around, Boss?” I cheeked, a smartass smile curling my lips as I teased him.

  “Stone is right, you are a brat.” He chuckled, giving me a quick kiss before starting to get dressed. “But yes, if you guys want. I’d understand if you’d rather do nothing all day though, it’s been a rough couple of days.” I laughed as Chase bounced on the mattress behind me in excitement. Moving, he started to clap his hands, his eyes lit up with mirth at the idea of a look around The Aces’ Motorcycle Club compound.

  “I guess that’s a yes,” I translated Chase’s childlike behavior for Brooks as I started to pull on a fresh pair of clothes I had gotten from my stash at The Bank.

  After a few minutes, we were all dressed and out in Brooks’ small kitchen. I scoured his cabinets for something to eat, but all I really wanted in that moment was an energy drink. Barely any sleep followed by an absolutely fuck-tastic threesome was not a good way to start the day energized. I pouted as I closed the last cabinet door.

  “Here”—Brooks’ tanned hand appeared in my eyesight with a large can of my favorite energy drink—“I figured you would want one.” I stared at the can, my brain not processing that he’d done something sweet for me. Coming out of my stupor, I squeezed him tightly, his laugh barely audible under the pressure of my arms. I let go and snatched the can away and ripped it open, the bubbles of the drink burning my throat as I chugged. Burping when I was finished, I sighed, already feeling its magic working on my tired body and mind. “Wow, note to self keep that on hand,” Brooks teased.

  “Oh, yeah,” Chase agreed his head bobbing in a jubilant agreement, “pretty sure she keeps them in business with how much of it she drinks.” Very maturely, I stuck my tongue out at them. “I’ll be back, I’m going to go brush my teeth and all that fun morning stuff.”

  My assassin left us alone in Brooks’ smaller kitchen, the basic wooden cabinets bathed in the sun streaming through the windows. Leaning against the laminate counters, I watched the president flit about preparing his own breakfast. Well, more like lunch now since it was nearing noon. He wasn’t wearing his cut which allowed me to stare shamelessly at his back muscles as they shifted and moved under his plain grey shirt. His jeans hugged his legs just right, molding perfectly to his sculpted ass. If we had more time, I would go for round two right here in the kitchen not caring that the blinds were wide open.

  I don’t really have much modesty, clearly.

  “So,” he started. Turning, he leaned back against the counter with his plate clutched in one hand as he ate his sandwich with the other. “How are you, really, after going after Chase?” I sighed, my good mood seeping away at the topic.

  “It’s done and over with, that’s all that matters,” I muttered, not wanting to talk about this.

  “Where’d you learn all that kind of stuff?” He seem determined to learn more about me. Swallowing the urge to snap, I answered him.

  “What stuff? The thieving?” I looked over at him when he didn’t answer, his blond hair flopping as he nodded since his mouth was full. “I don’t really think I learned it from anyone, I just started doing it when I was little. A pickpocket here, an unlocked door there. Sort of grew from there.” I shrugged.

  “What about the killing stuff?”

  “I trained for fighting with Garrett and Jace,” I ground out the bastard’s name, “when I was a teenager, and I kept it up when I was on my own. Then Chase came along. He taught me everything he knows, and I taught him everything I know.”

  “Kiera,” Brooks whispered, his grey-blue eyes glued to my face. “Why are you going after Frankie?” I snarled at my father’s name, though I wasn’t overly surprised he came up. They were willing to go into a war against him, and they would find out eventually.

  But damn, I didn’t want to talk about it.

  “One day, Brooks, you’ll learn everything he’s truly capable of. The rumors and the whispers are only a portion of what he can truly do,” I admitted quietly. Panic clawed its way into my throat, but I continued, “Just know everything that’s coming to him is more than well deserved.”

  Stormy eyes watched me, a tiny thread of pity in their depths, but Brooks didn’t push any further. I turned my head from him to look out the front window. The yard outside was small, but not ridiculously so as it lined up against a sidewalk and paved street. There were four small houses on either side of the street, several of which had motorcycles or cars parked in the driveways. A feather light touch caught my attention. When I glanced over, Brooks stood looking down at me.

  “You good?”

  I nodded, unable to talk otherwise everything I tried so hard to push down would bubble out, and once that dam was opened there was no fucking way to stop it.

  “All right, come here.” He nudged me into his warm chest, a corded arm curling around my shoulders in a soft hug. Inhaling, I took in his leather, grease, and citrus scent. Chase skipped into the room before I could bury my nose in Brooks’ chest to enjoy his smell more.

  “Did you break Kiera?” Chase deadpanned at seeing me wrapped up in a hug. I laughed lightly at first at his stoic question and before I knew it, tears streamed down my cheeks as I laughed uncontrollably. Because of Chase, I was able to mask my tears of painful memories with tears of laughter and exhaustion. Chase was scarily accurate at reading my moods, and he always knew what to say in any situation to help me feel better. In the past, he had been sent to kill me, but looking back now? I think he was sent to save me. And he did, more than I ever truly realized.

  “Thanks for that, Chase,” I teased once I was able to stop laughing.

  “For what?” he asked, his eyes soft as he stared down at me. I felt Brooks shift toward the door to open it, a light laugh trailing behind him at Chase’s antics.

  “For being you,” I mouthed unwilling to say something so mushy out loud. I might like Brooks, hell, I might even trust him a little bit, but that sentiment was only for my little assassin to hear. Chase simply winked at me and walked out of the house followed by Brooks. I stood there a moment, lost in thought about how much my life had changed since I broke free of Frankie’s hellish house of horrors. Soon, I thought, I’ll be free of Frankie for good.

  I hope he’s ready for me, because I’m coming and I’m not alone.

  Chapter 14

  May 6th

  Monday Midday


  “Come on, Kittycat. I want to go see the compound,” I urged bouncing lightly on my toes as I tugged on Kiera’s arm in excitement. Kiera chuckled, her mossy eyes lighting with happiness from the dreary depths they had just been in. They didn’t know it, but I had been eavesdropping on their conversation and it took me a few extra moments to collect my anger at the mention of Frankie ‘Smokes’ before stepping back out into the kitchen. Training my attention back on Brooks’ front yard, I found my focus darting between the compound as Brooks explained the area and the two of them, giddily noting that they stood close enough for their arms to brush.

  “The compound’s about 50-55 acres. We’re currently in the southeast residential area where most of the single members and the officers live with the exception of Nate and Abby who live over in the family residential area.” He pointed to a section of houses on the other side of a five bay garage and what looked like a large park/picnic area. “It’s not required to live on the compound, but it’s usually cheaper and the sense of community helps. There’s another patch of houses toward the front in the north residential area where the prospects and hang-arounds are. That garage there is the members’ garage, and the park is where most of the club events happen since there’s usually grilling involved.” We continued down the path heading toward the main clubhouse, and my gaze darted around the property in interest.

sp; “You’ve been at the main clubhouse which is the bar, extra rooms, our public office, and essentially the central hub. Kiera, you’ve been to our back warehouse.” He pointed to the large metal building out to the left in the distance. “That’s where all the old bikes and parts go for disassembly and storage for use in our garages which is that building right there.” He indicated a seven bay garage not too far off the front entrance which was directly in front of us down a long winding road. “Which is for the public to come in and get work done. There’s a few other random buildings on the outskirts of the property, but they don’t really have much other than acting as supply storage for the bar or other random shit.”

  “So cool!” I squealed, my lips curled in a broad smile. My mind turned from the space around us, to the topic of The Aces as a club. “How do you get to be a member?” I glanced over at Brooks as I asked, his brows raising sharply as he looked back in surprise. I chuckled at his expression. He’s so easy to shock.

  “You want to be an Ace, Chase?” My chuckle turned into a full-bellied laugh.

  “That rhymed,” I chimed. Looking down at Kiera, my body immediately sparked at her tiny smile. “Do I have to be a member if we do that thing we talked about?” I beamed when I saw the tiny smile fall into thin line.

  “I don’t think so, at least not fully. It’s a different situation than we’ve had before, so we’d have to see how the guys handle it,” Brooks offered as his head tilted in thought. My kittycat groaned slightly as she rolled her eyes. She can play hard to get all she wants, I hummed, I know damn well what her pretty ass wants.

  “Hello,” she interjected with a wave of her hand. “Do I not get a say?” Brooks smirked down at her with a knowing expression thinking the same thing I had. Shaking my head fiercely, I answered ridiculous question.

  “Nope, you’re ours and we’re yours, Kittycat. You’re stuck with us,” I teased, but deep down a niggle of something bloomed in my chest as Brooks curled her under his arm. My blood sparked at Brooks’ golden tan and sculpted muscles as they rippled around Kiera’s thin shoulders. I watched them carefully, intent on keeping Kiera as happy as possible.

  She leaned into him subconsciously as her tan cheeks heated in a tiny flush. Despite her play at not wanting this, her eyes lit up and her step held a bit more pep as it did when she was excited. Glancing at Brooks, I found him focusing solely on Kiera. His smile was genuine and it seemed for a moment that he had forgotten that I was even there. I let my mind wander about the seemingly laid back president before me. Since we had our talk a couple of weeks ago about sharing, Brooks’ demeanor toward me had shifted.

  He was more open, less ‘Boss’ like, and more treating me as an equal instead of the crazy sidekick to Kiera’s thief crew. He smiled and laughed more, as I was witnessing right now. Hell, he had even started to joke around me more instead of being the ‘cool, level-headed’ leader of a motorcycle gang. There was a looseness to him now and, if I was honest, it was sexy. I liked this Brooks. This was the Brooks that Kiera needed, and what Kiera needed was what I wanted to get for her. That warming sensation in my chest grew, and I found myself not only enjoying the change in him, but I appreciated seeing a man make the woman I loved feel safe and happy. My cock throbbed at the swirling thoughts. Hm… I thought as I discreetly adjusted my growing erection. Maybe I wouldn’t be opposed to him being stuck with us either.

  “We can talk whenever we find Garrett, how about that? Cause he’ll skin me alive if he isn’t included,” Brooks added with a laugh.

  As we turned down the walkway toward the bar, I tucked the intriguing train of thought away for future pondering. I have a much more important surprise to think about, I internally squealed. The desert weather was cooler than it had been as we strolled, the clouds keeping the sun covered.

  “What are you going to do now that your house is gone?” Brooks asked.

  Speaking of… I felt my lip curl in a smug smile unable to keep it hidden.

  “Buy a new one?” Kiera shrugged, her statement going up like a question. “I had that one custom built for my work room and practice space, so probably get something temporary.” Her eyes narrowed on me in suspicion. “Why are you looking like that, my little assassin?”

  I pantomimed zipping my lips closed before throwing away the key, and her eyes burned in response making me giddy. I loved when she got fired up, and surprising her was one of the fastest ways to do that.

  “You’ll find out in a little while,” I taunted.

  Her eyes narrowed further on me, but I didn’t give anything away. She huffed and started to storm away, but not before I heard her mumbling under her breath.

  “Damn troublemaker.”

  Damn straight, Kittycat.


  I was lost in thought as we entered the bar. My curiosity burning at Chase’s suspicious behavior, but I pushed it away to take in my surroundings. Garrett and Stone were talking with Nate while Abby was shooting the shit with a few other Old Ladies I didn’t recognize. The nosy looks they directed at me and the appraising eyes they gave Chase did not escape my notice.

  “Kiera!” Abby waved me over to the group of women who were eyeing me. Obliging her, I walked over despite the three sets of gazes watching me shrewdly. “Kiera, I want you to meet a few of the other Ladies, this is Leah.” Dark blue eyes took me in as the woman looked up at me from her short height. Her pale skin practically glowed in the dark ambiance of the bar. Her reddish brown hair was slightly wavy and pulled into a low ponytail over her very thin shoulder. Damn, she’s tiny, I could probably count the ribs on this chick.

  “Haley.” This woman was my height with golden yellow skin and lean muscles like housewives that do pilates have. She played with her black shiny hair that brushed the tops her shoulders, twirling it around her finger. Her dark brown, almond judgy eyes were surrounded in a hazy kohl liner and mascara, her lipstick a bright pink making her stand out.

  “And Olivia.” The last woman was taller than me and voluptuous. Pretty sure she’d smack herself in her face if she so much as took a sharp step with those giant tits. She would have been pretty with light green eyes and ashy blonde hair if it hadn’t been for the absolutely awful orange spray tan that covered her skin. “Ladies, this is my girl Kiera.” I smiled slightly, uncomfortable at being the center of attention.

  “The one who beat the shit out of Bambi,” Haley murmured, her soft tone filled with judgement, but I held back on the urge to snap.

  “Yeah, well...” I shrugged slightly. “She was in bed with the Alloy Kings, so I don’t regret it,” I admitted honestly, trying really hard to keep my attitude on a leash. If the guys really wanted to attempt this relationship, I would need to try and get along with them. Well, at least try to be polite… whatever the hell that is.

  “Is it true you took out a dozen Alloy King members in a rampage?” Olivia prodded, her green eyes narrowing on me.

  I chuckled, my mind immediately going to the show Archer and the rampage episode. If you know what I’m imagining, I know you’re giggling too. Shaking my head, I set the record straight.

  “Not a dozen, just seven,” I said without a hint of regret. Their brows cocked, looking at me like I was a shiny new toy to play with.

  “Yeah, she’s not exactly the most personable woman,” Abby teased trying to reduce the tension between them and me. She might be loyal to Nate and the club, but I knew she’d pick me over these bitches if push came to shove. I rolled my eyes, unable to stop a small smile from curling at the edges of my lips. She’s not wrong.

  “Are you Boss’s girl or are you Warden’s?” Leah rounded out the trio. Her question irked me the most as she eyed my men with greedy eyes despite the fact she wore a ‘Property of’ jacket.

  “Both.” I smiled sweetly as their faces scrunched with disgust. “The assassin over there is mine too,” I tacked on the end, my voice catching the attention of the officers. Nate shook his head, a small smile curling his lips while my guys all smirk
ed. Well, almost all. Stone just looked, well, like Stone—mouth turned down in a frown, arms crossed, and some slight confusion showing in his expression.

  “Wow.” Haley’s voice was filled with both judgment and disgust, but I couldn’t bring myself to give a shit since I wasn’t here for her to like me. “Do you rotate days or do you just take turns?” she snarked, looking way too proud of her mean girl comment. My sweet smile turned into a wicked grin as I answered.

  “At the same time.” They balked at my response as well as at my farewell to Abby as I gave a slight wave. “Bye, bitch.” She had been trying not to laugh, but at my goodbye she burst out laughing. I couldn’t hold back the snicker as I made my way to the guys.

  “Nice to see you making friends,” Nate chastised playfully. He’d known me long enough to know that I didn’t take shit.

  I only smiled at him and took the glass of alcohol Cheryl had put out for me. Did she ever sleep or did she just live behind the bar? Stone rolled his eyes and glared at the wall intent on ignoring me, while my guys chuckled.

  “I’m going to get started on that task, Boss. I’ll catch everyone later,” Nate excused himself leaving the bar with Abby in tow. The three Old Ladies watched us with prying eyes to which Chase gave a little wave. At his attention, they blushed and turned back toward each other.

  “We ready to go?” Chase piped up, his eyes glowing again with that sly glint. I sipped my drink reveling in the smooth burn and once again trying to figure out what he had planned. Stone grumbled under his breath, but the other MC officers nodded and placed their empty glasses on the bar.

  “Where are we going?” I questioned, finishing my own drink. Chase smiled innocently and zipped his lips. I huffed but followed them anyway. The same vehicle I had used when we went to The Bank was out front, and Garrett held the front passenger seat open for me. With a quick kiss on my head from him, I sank into the seat before he closed the door. Chase buckled into the front seat while the officers smashed into the back row.